Friday, February 15, 2008

Lost Spoilers - Eggtown - Season 4, Episode 4

The upcoming episode of Lost is entitled, Eggtown, and this is the Lost Spoilers Blog for the episode, which is 4x4, Season 4, Episode 4 of Lost on ABC. Season 4 is the action and suspense season of Lost, and Eggtown continues that theme. The key Lost Spoilers for this episode is that Eggtown brings back Lost romance, as Kate once again leaves doc Jack behind and falls into the arms of Sawyer.

Update: A couple other Lost Spoilers videos for this episode are floating around and I posted the links over at my old Lost Spoilers Blog at

[ABC Promo Photo]

The CTV trailer video for this episode concludes on romance:

Another trailer video leaves nothing to the imagination:

A couple of extended Lost Spoilers sneak peak videos also are floating around. In the first video one, frustrated Locke plays jailer to Ben's prisoner, bringing some creepy reading material, and the not so Lost spoilers is the meal aptly has eggs:

Another sneak peak Lost spoilers video is has Hurley, and again someone is reading, this time Sawyer. Kate drops by to chez Sawyer for a sip of Dharma wine in a box and a little Lost romance.