Tuesday, December 19, 2006

UK Lost Spoilers

This post is for U.K. Only Lost Spoilers

I'm finding that a lot of readers of this blog are coming in from the UK, even though we are on the U.S. schedule. So this post provides an index of our spoiler posts for the first six episodes of Series 3 of the Lost show.

Are the British being discriminated against by the Lost producers by the synching delay? Hey, the U.K. is lucky: NO WINTER HIATUS like in the U.S. In the U.S. these Lost episodes were broadcast in October and November followed by a 13 week break so ABC could broadcast Daybreak. Not a bad series, but they wound up cancelling it for low ratings. Sheesh. Enough complaining.

My spoilers posts for those episodes are dated a few days prior to the U.S. episode. However for our U.K. members, that schedule does not correspond to the actual broadcast dates. So, to bring sense to this potentially confusing situation, the Lost Spoilers Blog Blogger is here.

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